Hey Everyone!
Firstly I'd like to say thank you to everyone who watched, reviewed and voted for Pip on robotday! I'm really happy to have come third. I've been on Newgrounds now for almost 10 years so this achievement would make the 16 year old me flap around with excitement and joy. I'm a lot more calm and collected now haha!
If you didn't see it you can get it here:
It's also the Robot Day 2013 thumbnail image which makes me happy too!
Also if you're not already go like Pip on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/piptherobot
I update it fairly regularly with images of what I'm working on and the occasional video.
If enough people are interested I might do some breakdowns on how I make the visuals!
Secondly, I'm the host of this years London gathering so if you're a UK user and you want to meet some other users face to face this is a great opportunity to do just that! They've been a lot of fun in the past, which is why I wanted to make damn sure one happened this summer! The January one had a fairly decent turnout, however the snow did affect the numbers as travelling in those conditions isn't ideal... and its COLD!
Here is the Event page Luis has set up for the event: http://luiscastanon.com/ng-events/ng-london-2013 .php
You can also join the facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/336460253147250/
So yeah, thanks again and I hope to hear from/see you guys soon!
Feel free to inbox me, I like to chat and see peoples work, especially if you're going to the meetup, then we can perhaps get a chance to talk about it on the day! :)
Just under a week to go now :D